May was a month of change and progress in my own personal life, but for movies and what I was watching, it was a rather drab month.

Discourse surrounding the movie industry was all doom and gloom throughout May as many big-budget releases either underperformed or flat out bombed at the box-office. From The Fall Guy, to IF, to Furiosa, it seemed every weekend I would open Twitter to see another big release failed to hit the studio’s lofty expectations. Some of these I am not shocked by at all, and I don’t know how studios and box-office “experts” continued to be fooled by movies flopping that I saw coming a mile away, but it was rather upsetting to see several movies I was looking forward to not find their audience in theaters. Is this a movie theater problem? A streaming release problem? A mixture of both? Audiences not seeing the general appeal of films that movie fanatics like myself were excited for? It could mean many things. I don’t believe we’re in the end times of the movie theater like some have prophesized, but May, I cannot lie, was another let down for me at the movies.

May’s highlight for me was not a new release, but rather being able to see The Phantom Menace in theaters for the very first time. Being able to see one of the Star Wars movies I had yet to experience on the big screen was a bucket list moment for me you will read more about in this month’s Film Journal. Aside from that, I continued on with a rewatch I began last month, and my trend for 2024 in film sadly continued – that being that I can’t help but feel at least somewhat disappointed by nearly every new release I have seen. Everything new that I watched I enjoyed, but they still failed to meet my expectations for them, two of which were high on my most-anticipated list for the year. While I missed out on Furiosa and Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes this month which I’m sure would have had me feeling way more positive about what May brought us at the movies, I highly doubt that once this year wraps up that I will have as many movies that I adored this year that I did in 2023. I’m hoping the rest of the summer movie season has me feeling way more positive than I am feeling currently, because May lacked a standout watch for me if I am being upfront. How about we stop with the negatives and start off this month’s Film Journal on a personal highnote…

Score Key: ★-Full Star, ✩-Half Star

5/3: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

Directed by: George Lucas

1st Time Watch?: No

Score: ★★★★

As many of you may know, describing Star Wars as a huge part of my life would be an understatement. I have seen the prequel trilogy, and as a result The Phantom Menace, more times than I could count. As I grew up and was introduced to the franchise when these films were first coming out, these were my childhood movies, and I love them dearly despite their flaws. Despite seeing this movie dozens of times, this was the 1st time I had seen it in theaters. I was just a year old when it first released, and it’s 3D re-release in 2012 came at a time in my life where I was not frequently going to the movies. So May began with my 1st big-screen viewing of one of the 4 remaining Star Wars films I had yet to see in theaters, and what a moment this was. Getting to watch Star Wars on the big-screen with friends is an experience I would recommend to everyone. There is simply nothing better. I could care less that I had every scene practically memorized, this was a special moment for me, and I loved every second of it.

5/5: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

Directed by: George Lucas

1st Time Watch?: No

Score: ★★★★

Well, hello there again! Now, where was I?

I only planned on seeing this in theaters once. When I saw Return of the Jedi last year during it’s re-release, it didn’t have as wide of a release near me (I don’t want to talk about how they just didn’t re-release Rogue One near me in 2022 when Andor was approaching), so that time I was content with only seeing it once just for the bucket list moment of it all. However, I was bored and needed something to do, so what the heck, I saw Phantom Menace again. And of course I loved it.

This time I was able to put my feet up, sit in a comfy seat, and just admire the movie on the big-screen. Let me tell you, Duel of the Fates in theaters is something truly special. I planned on going one more time before it left theaters, but that did not end up happening. Regardless, these two screenings is what I will remember most about my May at the movies. I hope we continue to get these yearly re-releases, cause I will be seated every time.

5/11: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Directed by: Alfonso Cuarón

1st Time Watch?: No

Score: ★★★★★

Alright so I just keep watching the same shit this year, huh?

If you read last month’s Film Journal, I had caught the last hour of Prisoner of Azkaban, which inspired me to start rewatching the Harry Potter films a few days later. So yes, one full rewatch later, and we’re talking about this masterpiece of a film once more. This film’s 20th anniversary passed since my last article, and in those 20 years I have yet to see a better film of its genre. It’s the best Harry Potter film, it’s my personal favorite fantasy film of all time, and it’s just a perfect movie. Cuarón adapts the gradual maturation and darker tone of the series in a way that perfectly sets up the very dark turns the forthcoming films take, beautifully combining the childish whimsy of the Chris Columbus films with the dark fantasy tales of the later Potter films. This movie is just the absolute best.

And again, fuck J.K. Rowling.

5/12: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

Directed by: Mike Newell

1st Time Watch?: No

Score: ★★★★★

Another absolute triumph of a film. Goblet of Fire has always been in my top 3 Potter films, but I think this most recent watch for me was when everything clicked for me more than it ever has, again for a movie I have seen dozens of times over close to 20 years. The Yule Ball is forever a key moment in my life, the Triwizard Tournament scenes are all amazing to watch, and the ending is where the series really begins to get dark, and never really turns back. After dozens of watches, this was the first time Goblet of Fire has entered my list of films I’d give my highest score to.

5/13: Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Directed by: Rupert Wyatt

1st Time Watch?: Yes

Score: ★★★★

The Planet of the Apes reboot films were films I had heard tremendous things about, but had never taken the time to watch through the series. With Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes releasing in May and receiving a ton of praise, I felt it was a good time to finally start watching these movies. While Rise is the one I typically see regarding as the “least good” of the trilogy, I still really liked this movie. Caesar’s character development was a joy to watch, and the third act of the movie was incredibly strong. I knew a certain scene was coming, but seeing it for the first time had me pumping my fist in the air in excitement. I can tell this is just the beginning of good things with this series.

5/17: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

Directed by: David Yates

1st Time Watch?: No

Score: ★★★★✩

I have a complicated history with this movie. For years, I hated this movie, and thought it was easily the worst of the Harry Potter movies. I was either unaware that my hatred for Dolores Umbridge as a character made me actually hate the movie itself, or knew and just accepted it, but I just did not enjoy watching this movie for a decade of my life. When I did a rewatch of the series at the beginning of the pandemic, I began to change my tune and realized that, hey, this is still a really good movie with one of the most vile, unlikeable characters ever created. Every watch since then, I’m baffled I ever hated this. It’s such a good movie. I can’t put it with the likes of Prisoner or Goblet, but there are so many highlights, and I always find it funny that they made the longest book into the shortest film of the series, and the pacing never feels rushed or the quality of the movie never dips. David Yates directed every film in the series from here on out, and he started on a high note.

5/18: The Fall Guy (2024)

Directed by: David Leitch

1st Time Watch?: Yes

Score: ★★★★

One thing is constant here at The Starlight Journal: Ryan Gosling will always be my guy. You put Gosling together with Emily Blunt, and hell yeah I’m sold. What a fun time. The chemistry between our two leads was off the charts, making the rom-com aspects by far the best parts of the movie, so much so I wish it was the centerpiece of it all. The action scenes were really fun, the soundtrack rules hard, and the movie works really well as a tribute to the stunt industry and movie-making as a whole. I don’t consider it to be a best of the year contender just yet like some did, but this was such a fun time at the movies, and even though it didn’t blow away the box-office like some hoped, I hope it does renew interest in finally giving stunt work a category at the major award shows.

5/22: I Saw the TV Glow (2024)

Directed by: Jane Schoenbrun

1st Time Watch?: Yes

Score: ★★★★

This will make you think for days after watching it. To be honest, I’m writing this nearly a month after watching and I still haven’t fully processed my thoughts on it. An allegory for nostalgia and gender, how these concepts shape us. The performances are purposely muted and uncanny, characters come and go, time passes like it’s nothing, and the events of the TV show both our leads are obsessed with seamlessly blend into their lives in real-time. The visual storytelling here is next level. I was disturbed, provoked, terrified, at some points I didn’t know what the hell I was witnessing, but overall, I liked it. Amazing soundtrack as well that perfectly captures the tone and aesthetic of the film. The pacing can be off, and the ending did not personally land for me, this is going to connect deeply for some and not work at all for others, but I think it’s worth seeing alone for the direction and visuals. May need a future rewatch until I can fully form my thoughts on this.

5/30: Civil War (2024)

Directed by: Alex Garland

1st Time Watch?: Yes

Score: ★★★✩

This movie is a very interesting one. As an engaging thriller, it works really well. Insane cinematography and sound design, with nail-biting moments aplenty. The Jesse Plemons scene that is present in all of the trailers, even with that was far and away the best, most tense scene in the whole movie, one of the best scenes of the entire year. Where this movie doesn’t work for me is as a war story. Alex Garland makes the choice to not give us much of any information on why this war is occurring and what each side is and what they are fighting for. Having the movie be the perspective of war journalists led to some gripping moments, but also handicaps the movie from having much substance or an outright message in its narrative. Choosing to make a movie surrounding a modern-day civil war that each day makes this scary potential future look more like a reality, yet to not surround this in any kind of real political message, or at least answer any “Why’s” surrounding the events of the film just makes the movie feel incomplete. The closest we get to this is a “Racists and ultranationalists are bad” basic message. Alex Garland has made several films I love, but I feel like many of my issues with the narrative and structure fall on his direction.

I would’ve loved just a bit more exposition into the politics and deeper aspects of the war to truly make this a great film. It’s good, very good at points, just felt hollow in its biggest moments. 

Once again, we come to an end of a very-late Film Journal. There was a lot to like this month, but also a lot of missed opportunities and underwhelming feelings. There was nothing I outright disliked, but there also wasn’t a new movie I saw that I truly loved. June will hopefully turn things around for me, but the beginning of the Summer Movie Season by no means blew me away this year.

My Watch of the Month: The Fall Guy (2024)

The Starlight Film Journal is a passion project of mine focusing on my one true love – talking about movies. Look forward to more super-belated lists coming soon, future film reviews, and my monthly Film Journal articles! If you are interested in more of my thoughts on movies, I journal every film I watch on my Twitter, Instagram and Letterboxd and would love it if you joined the fun!

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